lunchin' in landscape.
oh eventful day down in the woods (and creek) of brown county. adri and i drove down about 10 in the morning and had some hot drinks at Hal's (a.k.a The Daily Grind). I had my first coffee drink, a latte with soymilk. It was tasty indeed, I enjoyed it immensel
y, about as much as I enjoyed getting sung 'Happy Birthday' to in February.
Adri and I picniced at the park and took some pictures. We had bagelwiches with faux turkey, spring mix salad, dijon, and yellow prepared mustard. And a banana and new Kashi blackberry graham cereal bars. yum.
other things happened, oh lord did they...ha!
but this blog isn't about other things, it's about FOOD! and i have done my duty....
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